Have you discovered your own personal style? If you look and feel confident in what you are wearing, you may have already determined what works for you. If not….please read on…
• Are you wearing most of the clothes hanging in your closet? If not, you need to have a spring cleaning. It will make your task of finding something you look good in and enjoy wearing much easier.
• Get rid of the old-fashioned clothes, the ones that don’t quit fit, and eliminate those that are showing signs of wear & tear.
• What are left are the clothes that you like to wear and look good in.
Accentuate your assets
• The foundation of determining your style is to identify best features. Sadly, most women ignore this step.
• Know you body type and what looks best on you.
• Once you have discovered your assets, select styles and colors that compliment them.
• Fashion and trends can be fun, but may not work for everyone. Just because something is hot, does not automatically mean you look good in it. Enjoy the trends but incorporate them when they compliment your personal style.
Trust your instincts
• When you look in the mirror and something doesn’t seem quit right, it probably isn’t.
• You will find yourself drawn to certain styles & colors because you know they look good on you.
• Still not sure? Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Find Your Look & Own It
• Style starts on the inside. If you feel like a million bucks, you will look like a million bucks!
• Wear what you know looks good on you. Looking good and feeling good about your looks builds confidence and confidence is the best look you can have!
• Once you find your own personal style and own it, you can accessorize you outfits with jewelry that will enhance your signature style.
Need Help?
Send me a picture of your outfit and let me offer you a list of jewelry suggestions personally selected for you.
[personal style, personality, fashion]