Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes.
It is not something physical.
Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren
Even if you only have a very small budget, with a bit of
planning it's possible to guide your wardrobe into the way you'd like it to
look, fabulous! First you have to define your fashion personality. Your
fashion personality is your individual, unique way of expressing yourself
through clothing and accessories. Not sure where to begin. Here are a few ideas
to help you get started. Can you relate to one of them?
You gravitate toward casual, comfortable, athletic
style clothing. Denim is you go to fashion by choice. You are probably outgoing, exuberant, spontaneous and enjoy activities.

You prefer the tailored look in your clothing. You gravitate towards more conservative styles. You are classy, more traditional and neat.

You are a trendy fashionista. You like making a statement in your fashion expression by wearing bold, unique, colorful clothing. You like to wear latest looks to stand out and be seen.



If you are still not sure, try going through fashion
magazines. Cut out your favorite styles of clothes that you love. Make a
fashion collage with these pictures. They will give you an idea of your style.
Another great idea is to go to Pinterest.
Pinterest is a tool for collecting and organizing things you
love. It is free to use. One word of caution, it is addicting. Click here to see my favorites. I love
using “pins” for all sorts of things from decorating my home and garden, wish
list, recipes, fashion and makeup ideas. There are lots of creative uses and in
no time at all, you will have you style personality figured out.
I confess, I am a bit on the dramatic side in choosing my style. How about you?
Lady Lynn's Gift Boutique

In my heart, I'm a frilly, lacy kind of girl; but in reality, due to my size, I'm a straight lines, career professional kind of girl. This is why I love entering to win your jewelry... it fits both sides of my personality.
You are your own best asset love it an true
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